17 years fostering development in Ukraine
We are changing our country and want to see it be modern and innovative, attractive to investors, and comfortable to live in. A country where the government is accountable, effective and responsible, and the people have opportunities to actualize their potential.
We are changing our country and want to see it be modern and innovative, attractive to investors, and comfortable to live in. A country where the government is accountable, effective and responsible, and the people have opportunities to actualize their potential.
Key milestones
Since 2008, East Europe Foundation has invested $66 million in various development programs, including over $17 million in the form of more than 1000 grants for local NGOs
$66 mln
invested by EEF in various development programs since 2008
$17 mln
issued by EEF in the form of grants for local NGOs
e-services have been instituted in Ukraine to prevent corruption
million Ukrainians have already used the services introduced by EEF
bills and regulatory acts have been drafted by EEF to institute more effective administration
Ukrainian civil society organizations have increased their institutional capacity thanks to EEF
communities across Ukraine are making use of our electronic products and solutions
Annual report 2022–2023
pdf, 11.5 MB
Since it began operations, EEF has completed more than 100 programs of various scales, durations, and complexity. Each of them was in line with our strategic goals, which include: developing a strong, active civil society, fostering effective and democratic public administration at every level, and building institutional capacity among both NGOs and government agencies
Phoenix Project: Power of Communities
It aims to empower civil society organizations to play a more active role in rebuilding war-affected communities and advancing Ukraine’s integration into the EU.
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Power Up: Experience Sharing
The program aims to disseminate best practices for implementing energy-efficient solutions in the public sector and to support the launch of the National Database of Energy and Performance Characteristics of Buildings (NDB).
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EGAP Program
The E-Governance for Accountability and Participation Program (EGAP) is being implemented by East Europe Foundation and Innovabridge Foundation in partnership with the Ministry of Digital Transformation over 2015–2023. This program is supported by the Swiss Confederation.
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Digital Transformation Activity
DTA is a robust five-year initiative aimed at enhancing Ukraine’s digital prowess and building resilient systems for a secure and prosperous future. The endeavor is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and UK International Development (UK Dev).
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CDTO Campus
To create the world’s most convenient digital state, the country requires CDTOs, public servants who implement digital projects at both national and regional levels. Therefore, EEF, in collaboration with the Ministry of Digital Transformation and supported by international partners, has launched the CDTO Campus.
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Together for Support
A humanitarian program whose main goal is to provide aid to Ukrainians affected by the war. It is being implemented with the support of the Ukraine Humanitarian Fund.
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TAPAS Project
East Europe Foundation in partnership with the Eurasia Foundation is implementing the USAID / UK aid Transparency and Accountability in Public Administration and Services / TAPAS Project to support Ukraine in times of war and contribute to the post-war recovery through the development of open data and digitalization of state services.
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Employment Opportunities with Diia.Digital Education
To create opportunities for up-skilling and reskilling and further employment of Ukrainians, allocated a grant of USD 2 million. Program implementation is from October 2022 to January 2025.
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Developing Digital Registers
The Project is being implemented by East Europe Foundation in partnership with the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine with the support of GIZ on behalf of the German Government.
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Power Up! Project
The project contributes to improving Ukraine’s energy efficiency by sharing best practices and implementing power conservation solutions for both government and business
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Recovery and Resilience
The program aims to help civil servants and regional development agencies improve their project management competencies to ensure Ukraine’s recovery and resilience.
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Phoenix: Resilient Ukraine in the Time of War
Phoenix Project: Resilient Ukraine in the Time of War is aimed at capacity building of non-governmental organizations to work effectively with both IDPs and local authorities in host communities, engaging youth and techno-activists, and promoting the activity of small and micro businesses. The Project is funded by the European Union.
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Програма Стійкість
Stiykist’ Programme
East Europe Foundation is implementing Stiykist’ Programme within a consortium of non – governmental organisations led by ERIM (France) in partnership with Human Rights House Foundation, Human Rights House Tbilisi, the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation, and funded by the European Union. The goal is to strengthen civil society organisations, public activists, and the media of Ukraine in war conditions.
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Spilnodiia Program
East Europe Foundation is implementing the Spilnodiia Program in partnership with the Ukrainian Independent Center for Political Research and the Together Against Corruption nongovernmental organization with European Union funds.
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Capable and Resistant Program
East Europe Foundation is backing civil society organizations in Ukraine via grants and trainings with the support by Switzerland.
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Safe School Program
East Europe Foundation initiated this program intending to support the educational system of Ukraine by equipping basic shelters in schools to secure comfortable and decent conditions for the continuous stay of children, in-school staff, and other community members.
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Civilian Population Protection Program
East Europe Foundation is implementing the Civilian Population Protection Program in partnership with Hala Systems Inc. and the State Emergency Service with funds from the European Union. The purpose of the Program is to raise self-defence awareness among the public during and after the occurrence of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats.
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“Watch your step!” Program
East Europe Foundation in cooperation with SES of Ukraine funded by DanChurchAid is implementing a program aimed at raising awareness of citizens about mine danger. The program will last from June to December 2022.
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Support the Crimea Platform
“Supporting the Crimea Platform: It’s Time to Remind that Crimea is Ukraine” is a program implemented by East Europe Foundation with funding from USAID. The program’s objective is to develop effective approaches to reintegrating Crimea back to Ukraine and improve the operational capacity of the Office of Crimea Platform.
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Microgrants for Small Businesses
East Europe Foundation is an implementing partner of a program that will provide microgrants to small businesses and will last from May 2022 to February 2023. Within the program, more than 300 micro and small enterprises affected by russia’s armed aggression in Ukraine will receive financing of UAH 150 000.
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Business Support Organization (BSO) School
The Business Support Organization (BSO) School / 2nd Component "On Guard for Business Interests" is being implemented by East Europe Foundation (EEF) with funding under USAID’s Competitive Economy Program (CEP). The implementation period: from March 2020 through December 2022.
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E-Veteran Registry Development Support
The program to support the development of a Unified State Register of Veterans is being carried out by East Europe Foundation in response to the provisions of a Memorandum of Cooperation and Understanding with the Ministry of Veteran Affairs.
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Organizational Support for Gogolfest
This project is being carried out by East Europe Foundation and Switzerland’s Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), which operates in Ukraine through the Swiss Cooperation Organization (SCO). The beneficiary is the Gogolfest Festival of Contemporary Art, a community organization.
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Zrozumilo! online educational platform
The Zrozumilo! platform offers free online learning for representatives of the civil sector, government and local government agencies, educators, pupils and students, and generally anybody who is interested in personal development and in acquiring quality knowledge.
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Ukraine in Europe: Parliamentary Dimension Project
The Project is being implemented by East Europe Foundation together with the Berlin-based Zentrum Liberale Moderne with funding from the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs till the 2022 year-end.
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The mission of the Foundation is to help grow a competitive Ukraine: a modern country that is attractive to its people and the future world. We’ve been doing this through three strategic development goals: building a strong, active civil society, fostering effective government at all levels, and working on the institutional capacity of community organization s and government.
Natalia Slynko
Program Director