Power Up: Experience Sharing

Power Up: Experience Sharing is the second phase of the Power Up! program (2023-2024). During the first stage, a pilot project was implemented to modernize the building of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine and grants were provided to 10 Ukrainian enterprises to implement energy efficiency measures.

In 2025, the program focuses on disseminating best practices in energy efficiency and implementing energy management in the public sector. As part of this stage, a workshop for state secretaries and an online training for energy managers of central executive authorities will be held on modern energy efficiency tools for government buildings. During the events, the results of the thermal modernization of the Ministry of Finance building will be presented as an example of successful implementation of changes.

Two manuals will be prepared for further use by the program participants: one with practical lessons from the thermal modernization pilot project in Ukrainian realities and the other with recommendations for organizing energy management in public institutions.

A separate part of the program is devoted to supporting the launch of the National Database of Energy and Exploitation Characteristics of Buildings in Ukraine  (NBDNDB). This will involve webinars, individual consultations on technical issues, and the creation of training materials and video instructions for stakeholders and users.

The NDB will become a national tool within the Unified State Electronic System in the field of construction. Training activities will help users to effectively maintain the database and ensure high-quality data collection necessary for the implementation of energy management and the National Thermo-Modernization Strategy.

The Power Up: Experience Sharing program is carried out  by the East Europe Foundation in the framework of the project “Promotion of Energy Efficiency and Implementation of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive in Ukraine”, implemented by GIZ Ukraine with the support of the German Government and co-financed by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).