Competition for the position of a contractor to provide the services of a regional coordinator in Sumy region

International charitable organization East Europe Foundation is announcinng a contest selection for the position of Regional Coordinator in the Sumy region, within the framework of the Swiss-Ukrainian E-Governance for Accountability and Participation program (EGAP).

The EGAP program, which is created by East Europe Foundation and Innovabridge Fund, in partnership with the Digital Transformation Ministry of Ukraine, and financed by the Swiss agency for development and cooperation, is primarily aimed at the use of innovative informational-communicational technologies to enhance the quality of governance, improve interaction between authorities and citizens, and advance social innovation in Ukraine.


  • planing activity of the Program in the region;
  • cooperation with local self-government bodies, centers for the provision of administrative services, military administrations and other authorities in the region, as well as public organizations, representatives of business and mass media, and other organizations related to the activities of the Program;
  • monitoring and preparation of reports on the work of regional partners of the Program;
  • preparation of analytical materials on the work of the Program in the region;
  • organization of events in the region: meetings, round tables, brainstorming sessions, conferences, etc.;
  • presentation of the Program and its achievements at events in the region;
  • work with text: comments, press releases, success stories, invitations, materials related to the activities of the Program.

Qualifications of candidates:

  • experience in the field of digital transformation and electronic democracy, administrative services, experience in using electronic services;
  • organizational skills and leadership;
  • understanding of the situation in the region, experience of interaction with representatives of authorities;
  • fluency in the Ukrainian language, literacy;
  • confident communication with the mass media;
  • proficient use of PCs and mobile devices;
  • mobility: the ability to be in touch, readiness for business trips;
  • knowledge of the English language will be a significant advantage (not lower than lever B1).

Work Conditions:

  • work in the Sumy region;
  • full time position;
  • flexible schedule;
  • work trips within the country.

For participation in the selection of candidates, please send a motivational cover letter and resume to the following email address: [email protected] with the subject: “Regional coordinator in the Sumy region” until August 30, 2024.

In the motivational letter, please include:

  • Experience in the use of digital media instruments.
  • Example of cooperation with local territorial communities of the region.
  • Preferred salary.