Training and presentation of the course

(Укр) 30 березня о 15:00 розглянемо методи більш захищеної та конфіденційної комунікації онлайн через звичні, анонімні та децентралізовані месенджери. Зареєструватися на тренінг:

On March 30 at 3 pm we will consider methods of more secure and confidential online communication through familiar, anonymous and decentralized messengers.

We invite you to the training and presentation of the online course “Cybersecurity for CSOs”. At the training, we will discuss the features of various messengers, what information they “know” about us and how to protect our personal data.

Yuriy Antoshchuk, a new media trainer and consultant on the implementation of information and communication Internet technologies (ICIT) in the activities of organizations, will speak about this.In addition to a block of useful information, the event will present a free course in the form of an educational series on how to protect your data on the Internet and take care of personal and corporate digital security during the war.

In addition to the practical benefits, taking the course on the educational online platform Znakomo! allows you to receive a certificate and 0.2 ECTS credits.To participate, ask questions to the expert, and receive a reminder and a link to the course by email, register here: and join ZOOM. The event will also be streamed for everyone to watch.

The event will take place within the framework of the Resilience Program implemented by East Europe Foundation in a consortium of NGOs led by ERIM (France) in partnership with the Foundation of Human Rights Houses, Human Rights House – Tbilisi, the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation and funded by the European Union.