Eight-year-old girl Michelle, who is studying in The King Alfred School in London, has made considerable efforts to support Ukraine and continues to actively raise awareness among the world about our country.
It has all started with one heart which Michelle stitched for her Ukrainian babysitter. Then another heart and the girl is asking her mother if she can wear one herself on her school uniform.
Once she shared the idea with her classmates and gained incredible support from them, a plan of assistance was elaborated: after school, the children sold 250 hearts and raised 250 pounds sterling.
Orders are still coming from around the world and the girl has been very busy making new hearts.
The sum raised by the children, as well as 3500 pounds sterling from The King Alfred School, were transferred to support the “Shelter” Project, which is implemented by East Europe Foundation.
Find out more about the project of assistance to internally displaced people via the link.