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In the first two weeks of Russia’s full-scale invasion, almost three million Ukrainians went abroad and another two million became internally displaced in Ukraine. Many left their homes literally empty-handed, saving their lives and those of their loved ones.
East Europe Foundation could not stand aside. We have always strived to help people and Russia’s unprovoked invasion sharpened the need to help our fellow Ukrainians even more. At the beginning of March 2022, we launched the Shelter Program to support internally displaced persons, or IDPs, in Ukraine who fled Russia’s hostilities.
The Foundation’s team has directed its resources, skills and knowledge to provide IDPs with everything they need in safer areas of the country. The primary activity was arranging temporary shelters; during one year of the Shelter Program, we equipped 65 shelters in 14 regions of Ukraine.
To implement the Shelter Program, the Foundation attracted local public organizations that better comprehend opportunities and needs in their communities. Since March 2022, we and our partners provided over 9,000 food packages and over 5,000 non-food packages to our countrywomen and men. In just one year of the program, we managed to deliver and distribute 275 tons of humanitarian aid.
Psychological assistance is another area where we assist our fellow Ukrainians. The Foundation involved six organizations in different regions of Ukraine to provide professional assistance to almost 1,900 Ukrainians over the past year.
Shelter Program donors include both major international institutions and thousands of individuals. We raised funds to help Ukrainians in almost all parts of the world.
Funding was provided by the European Union, Eurasia Foundation, Sy Syms Foundation, Europe Foundation Georgia, CNFA Europe, Center for Liberal Modernity (LibMod), The King Alfred School Society, Two Degrees ApS, Brücke der Hoffnung, Stiching Derdengelden, Eldorado retail chain, Fondation de France, Embassy of Denmark in Ukraine and, individual donors.
We thank our donors for humanitarian aid, in particular: the University of Murcia (Spain); partners from Poland; trade networks from Czech Republic, Slovakia and Ukraine; the Lviv Regulatory Hub; and, other organizations.
In a year of work, we were able to provide assistance and care to about 75,000 Ukrainians. And we don’t plan to stop there.
More details about what and how we accomplished are described in the Shelter Program’s annual report. We invite you to follow the link and familiarize yourself with the Shelter Program’s activities and achievements.