Civil Protection Program is implemented with funds of the European Union to raise public awareness of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats (CBRN-hazards).
The new reality in which Ukraine found itself after February 24, 2022, creates new challenges for the civilian population. We do not know what the Russian aggressor is planning, so we must be prepared for any potential hazard.
East Europe Foundation, in partnership with Hala Systems Inc. and the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, is launching Civil Protection Program. The funding for the Program implementation is provided by the European Union.
The purpose of the Program is to raise self-defense awareness among the public during and after the occurrence of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats (CBRN-hazards).
As part of the Program, we, together with our partners, conduct an awareness raising campaign targeting the adult population of Ukraine. The information campaign will include:
Program implementation period is from September 2022 to February 2023.