Although many communities in Ukraine have already been liberated, Ukrainians should be very prudent and mindful of their safety when returning to de-occupied territories: there are numerous reports of the Russian enemy leaving mines in residential buildings, children’s toys, household appliances, cars and other unexpected places. That is why we need to raise awareness of the public about the landmine safety. In Ukraine, everyone should know the rules of safe behavior. Ultimately, we should beware that it will take years to completely demine Ukraine, even after the end of the war.
This time, to expand the outreach of our landmine safety training project, we joined efforts with a Ukrainian pop band frontman, now a military serviceman, Oleg Fagot (Mykhailiuta). Fagot became the presenter of an online course on landmine safety for adults. The course is already available at no cost on the Zrozumilo! Online Educational Platform.
The Course consists of five episodes of five minutes each. The main question addressed in the Course is the explosive ordnance (EO). Fagot, together with the State Emergency Service expert Ivan Shepelev, tell about the following:
What are EOs (explosive ordnance) and how they work.
How and where the enemy can leave behind mines, munitions and booby traps.
Where to find out official information if certain areas have been cleared of mines.
How to talk about mine safety with children of all ages.
The information presented in this Course is vitally important for everyone who plans to return or travel to the de-occupied territories. There are no absolutely safe settlements in our country as of yet, unfortunately.
How to watch the online Course “Watch Your Step! Watch Where You’re Going!”.
Learn about mine safety and share valuable knowledge with your loved ones. Just half an hour of training can save your life!
Online course “Watch Your Step! Watch Where You’re Going!” is developed as part of the “Watch Your Step!” and “Spilnodiia” Programs, which are implemented by East Europe Foundation together with the State Emergency Service with funds from the European Union and DanChurchAid.