Online Course “How to Support a Kid during the War?” Was Presented



East Europe Foundation works to help Ukrainians cope with the horrible consequences of a full-scale war. 

Within the Shelter Project, we are providing material support to people who had to flee their homes: we furnish shelters with food, medicines, clothing, and the needed equipment.    

Another important area of our work is the psychological health of Ukrainians. 

So we created a course “How to Support a Kid during the War?” on the Educational Online Platform Zrozumilo!: ​​

Svitlana Roiz, a child and family psychologist and practitioner with 20 years of experience, author of books and courses on child and family psychology for parents, educators, health professionals, and psychologists, is a speaker of the course

The course contains information on how to support your child and yourself during difficult times and how to discuss the war with the child, how to cope with fear, anxiety, and panic attacks, and how to react to hysterics.

In addition to lectures, the course contains practical blocks with games, which will help parents and children deal with stress.

The course “How to Support a Kid during the War?” was developed within the E-Governance for Accountability and Participation Program (EGAP Program), which is implemented by East Europe Foundation and Innovabridge Foundation in partnership with the Ministry for Digital Transformation and supported by Switzerland.