Air Raid Alert at School

East Europe Foundation launched an online course Psychological Safety of Adults and Children During Air Raids at School to assist teachers in the educational process.

The course author and presenter is Svitlana Royz, a child and family psychologist with 20 years of experience. In the course, she will tell participants:

  •  How to develop a ‘go-to-shelter’ sequence of actions;
  • How to help your child get over a panic attack;
  • How to go back to school when the air raid is over;
  • How to respond to various stressful conditions that a child may experience.

In addition to lectures, the course contains practical modules with games and exercises to help reduce anxiety. Also, the course will be useful for parents who want to take care of the mental health of their child during the wartime.

How to take the course?

  1. Register on the Zrozumilo! Online Educational Platform
  2. Once your account is activated (you will receive a confirmation letter by email), choose the course Psychological Safety of Adults and Children During Air Raids at School.
  3. If you are already registered on the Zrozumilo! Online Educational Platform, sign up for the course using the direct link.

The course is free. Upon successful completion of the final test, you will be issued a certificate.

The course was developed as part of the Safe School Program implemented by East Europe Foundation in cooperation with the State Emergency Service, the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Financial support is provided by Eurasia Foundation, Terre des Hommes, EPAM Ukraine, Baker Tilly International and METRO Ukraine.