We offer a great opportunity to get psychological support in a group format for activists, key professionals and leaders of civil society organisations.
This group is an additional bonus (and in fact, a separate intensive program!) together with the online course “Psychological Resilience for CSOs during the War” with Lera Polska: help yourself and your CSO team stay resilient during the war.
“We are all tired, it’s February again, and the days of the full-scale invasion will soon pass the 365 mark. To regain your strength and be ready for new challenges, I invite you to register for a support group,” says Lera Polska, art therapist, psychological support consultant, and expert on psychological resilience for CSOs.
Apply if you:
What do we propose:
Keep in mind that the program is active and practical, so your participation means extra time every day for four weeks. Be prepared to spend 3-4 hours a week. The group starts at the end of February.
To participate, please fill out the application form by February 17: https://bit.ly/3JXR242
The number of participants is limited. We will notify you of the selection results in a separate letter to the email address specified in the form. Two people can be enrolled from one organisation.
The support group is a separate element of the training component of the Stiykist’ Programme implemented by East Europe Foundation within the framework of a consortium of civil society organisations led by ERIM (France) in partnership with the Human Rights House Foundation, Human Rights House Tbilisi, the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation, and funded by the European Union.