20 projects for the demo day

During the three-day ideathon of the Act to Support competition, the jury selected 20 nongovernmental organizations to participate in the Acceleration Program! The Act to Support competition was organized by East Europe Foundation as part of the Phoenix project with the financial support of the European Union.

Soon, 10 of these civil society organisations will receive funding to implement their projects. This means up to €20,000 in rewards for the implementation of each civic tech tool. 

Here’s a list of the selected NGOs and a description of their projects: 

  1. Charitable Organization “Balbek Bureau” with the project “RE:Ukraine Villages”: The project’s aim is to refine the online tool for market launch to model the layout of a house for reconstruction based on typical rural buildings in a particular region.
  2. NGO “Country of Digital Initiatives”, “CityGuard” project: The project will develop a tool to allow local authorities to elaborate evacuation plans in case of emergencies; to provide access to information to community members; and, to conduct evacuation drills
  3. NGO “UFRA”, “Integration of IDPs through the chatbot ‘Hotline of Kalush City Council’ by expanding its functionality” project: Adding new functions to the chatbot “Hotline of Kalush City Council” to make IDPs’ living in the community more comfortable
  4. NGO “All-Ukrainian Association of Donors of Ukraine”, “DonorUA for Teams” project: To ensure systematic blood donation at both individual and corporate levels through the specialized DonorUA for Teams platform.
  5. NGO “Yurshtab|”, “Lawyer in Your Smartphone” project: Finalizing a chatbot for free legal aid
  6. NGO “MINZMIN”, “Safe Bot” project: Improving and scaling a chatbot for checking files via Telegram for viruses and phishing links
  7. NGO “GENERATION OF MOTHERS LADA”, “Parents, children, emotions. Manage emotions so that they don’t control you. Transformation” project: Finalizing a chatbot to help parents gain knowledge about the nature and specificity of children’s emotional states
  8. NGO “Conscious Bucha Community”, “Medical Intelligent Assistant (MIA)” project: Improving access to medical care for community residents and psychological assistance to internally displaced persons and war victims through the application developed under the project. 
  9. NGO “Foundation.101”, “Shelter” project: Digitalization of the procedure for homeowners who have sheltered IDPs to submit documents to receive compensation for utilities using the tool
  10. NGO “DOPOMAGAI”, “Humancreed” project: To ameliorate the platform, which connects displaced children with philanthropists willing to finance their extracurricular education and development.
  11. NGO “Autistic People Friendly”, “I’m speaking” project: a communicator for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Creating a user-friendly and intuitive application that will eliminate communication barriers for children with ASD with the surrounding world. The application will help them solve basic everyday tasks, while improving their communication skills.
  12. NGO “FISCAL CENTER”, “Financial Transparency and Expenditures on Recovery in Ukraine” project: Creation of a system to monitor expenditures of state budget funds allocated for Ukraine recovery through developing a specialized dashboard and enabling stakeholders use the information effectively.
  13. CHARITABLE FOUNDATION PODOLAY (CF PODOLAY), “Cool Talk” project: Creation of a career guidance platform to help young people connect with professionals across various sectors to find answers to their career-related questions.
  14. CHARITY ORGANISATION “CHARITY FUND BULAVA UKRAINE” (CO CF BULAVA UKRAINE), “Dobre” project: Improving the application to monitor the safety of loved ones, which automatically sends their safety status to your contacts
  15. NGO “Cultural Agency A”, “Navzayem App (translated mutually app)” project: Refining the platform for professionals in the cultural, creative, and civic sectors to facilitate collaboration, exchanges and to share recommendations
  16. NGO “Cherkasy Urban Institute”, “City Dream” project: Improving the Crowdsourcing Platform in Cherkasy
  17. NGO “Ukrainian Hub”, “Development of a digital platform to provide automation tools for business process calculations, primarily aimed at startups (mainly NGOs)” project: Developing a platform to make business plan calculations; developing pitch decks and financial business models.
  18. Charitable organisation “Ukrainian IT Hub Foundation”, “MRIYA” project: Improving the platform to counter russian disinformation. 
  19. NGO “Batky SOS”, “Guide through the School: Martial Law (Part 2)”: Creating a Telegram chatbot for parents’ questions and answers regarding  the educational process in the wartime.
  20. NGO “UNY”, “Stronger Together” project: To ameliorate the legal document template platform